Sunday, April 26, 2009


I’ve been in my town for about a month now and am slowly adjusting to life here. I’ve had a lot of free time lately because there basically haven’t been classes in the schools for the whole time I’ve been here. So I find ways to fill my time so I don’t get too lonely or homesick: I walk around town and introduce myself to strangers (“Thank you for selling me this mango. My name is Crystal and I’ll be living here for two years…”). I go to the cake shop that has a juice bar and chat with the woman working there while people watching and drinking fresh made pineapple, banana, orange juice. I wash my clothes by hand, which usually takes at least all morning (I am going to have such buff arms after two years). I read. I watch the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Dvds Laura gave me. I take a pick up (my main form of transportation these days) to the lake and enjoy the sun, the water and the tourist targeted grocery stores that sell such wonderful foods as peanut butter and whole wheat bread. I play tag with neighborhood kids. I chat up the local tienda lady. I kill the spiders in my house.

This week is Olympics week for the elementary schools in the district which means they all compete in sports tournaments the whole week (thus the fourth week of no classes. Last week classes were cancelled to prepare for the Olympics). Monday was opening ceremonies and I went to watch the parade that all of the schools walked in around town to take pictures of my schools and ended up being forced by one of the school principals to walk in the parade which was a little awkward but I guess it was good to be included. After the parade there was a talent contest for the niña deportistas (girl athletes). One girl is nominated from each school to perform a dance with some of the teachers from the school and then they each have to make a speech (in Spanish and Kaqchikel) about how sports are good for your mental and physical health and keep the youth out of trouble. My favorite was a girl who came out on stage with her female teachers and they were all dressed in traditional indigenous dress and doing a traditional dance and then the music stops and they take off the traditional dress and are dressed in basketball jerseys and sweats and finish with a hip hop dance.

Well, that´s all for now. How are you?

I love and miss you all!


P.S. Here’s my new address for in case you might want it (because… my birthday’s coming up? you love me? you’re a good person?):

Crystal Sand

Voluntaria del Cuerpo de Paz

San Andrés Semetabaj,

Sololá, Guatemala

Things I would appreciate:


Pictures of you

Words of wisdom

Good books

New music

Magazine and news clippings you think I might be interested in

Tips/ ideas for cheap ways to set up my house/ garden

Anything from Trader Joe’s

P.P.S. I have a history of being really bad at correspondence but I’ve made a pledge to myself to correct that so please send me your addresses so I can send all of you postcards/ letters/ etc. Also I do have a cell phone here so send me a message if you ever feel like giving me a call and I will send you my number.


Christina Sand said...

Hi Crystal! I mailed off your package last week, hope you get it soon. Your rose bushes have exploded in color, probably 100 blooms on each bush - I have roses throughout the house to remind me of you1 Miss you and love you so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday My adventure-some neice! You are prayed for, missed, and loved everyday. I know this is going to be a great year for you! Keep an eye out for tall recruits for me! :) I will try to send a care package soon. School gets out in a week! Yeah! God Bless! Aunt Marg

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Crystal! Very much enjoy reading your blog updates. The lake looks beautiful. Hope I get to see it in person in the next 2 years.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Crystal--hope you're having a great time! Only checking in once in a while but enjoying reading about your stay. Hope you had a great bday!
Thinking of you,
Carol Schrammel

Crystal said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes guys! It was a good day but I definitely missed family and friends back home.
Mom- I'm glad the rose bushes are still doing well, apparently complete neglect is the way to go. I'm thinking of planting some roses here.

Marg- I'll keep an eye out but I can pretty much assure you, you ain't gonna find anyone tall here. I am pretty much a giant compared to the rest of the population.

Scott- I miss you lots! The lake IS a beautiful place and you have two years to get down here so I hope to see you! Tell Laura there are some marathons she can run here ;)

Carol- Good to hear from you and thanks for the message! I hope all is well, take care.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Crystal
We're glad God made you!
Your mom sent me a link to your blog so I can now experience your life in Guatemala! It sounds exciting and you look beautiful. How great that you have your own place. Is it very hot there? You didn't say how big the spiders were. What is your favorite thing to eat and do? Love you, Aunt Patty
P.S. I emailed you some pictures of my darling granddaughter Vienna.